Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are seven chakras that are found in your body, and each of them controls something in your physical and spiritual self. The Manipura or the solar plexus chakra is very important to help you to have the confidence and willpower to do whatever you want.

The solar plexus chakra is found close to the belly button, and it helps to rule your emotions and your feelings. This is a chakra that is sometimes hard to keep balanced because you have so many emotions that come and go through you. This is the chakra that balances your self-esteem, and when you get angry fast, or you feel upset, or like you aren’t able to do what you want, your solar plexus might be unbalanced.

When your solar plexus is balanced, you will feel confident, and you will feel like you have a real purpose in your life. This chakra is also known to help your body, such as your pancreas, diaphragm, gall bladder, and windpipe. If you are experiencing things like acid reflux, breathing problems, bad eating habits, or digestive problems, then you might have an unbalanced chakra.

Balancing the Solar Plexus

There are things that you can do to balance your solar plexus chakra, such as wearing the color yellow. This is the color associated with this chakra. You can also use the 10-petaled lotus that has a triangle that points down.

Saying things like, “I have power and a purpose,” or using the mantra “Ram,” can also help to balance your solar plexus and to keep you strong.


One great way to balance your solar plexus chakra is to meditate. Here is what to do:
• Find a comfortable place to sit so that you won’t be bothered.
• Sit with your legs crossed.
• Think of the color yellow filling the room.
• Deep breath and notice your breathing filling your body.
• Have courage and confidence.
• Imagine the 10-petaled lotus getting bigger each time you deep breathe.
• Use the Rudra mundra.
• Repeat “Ram,” until you feel calm and settled.
• Use your affirmations to get rid of any negativity.
• Use salt water to soak your feet or go into the grass.

Final Thoughts

It is important to keep your chakras balanced and strong, and one thing to avoid when balancing the solar plexus chakra is unhealthy eating. Make sure that you aren’t overeating and that you aren’t drinking ice water. When you meditate, concentrate on your solar plexus, and you can even add citrine to your meditation.

3 thoughts on “Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

  1. ‘Meditation seems helpful, but balancing chakras isn’t something everyone believes in. It might work for some, but others might find it unhelpful.’

  2. Very informative! The connection between emotional balance and physical health is crucial, especially regarding the solar plexus. It’s fascinating how our body’s energy centers influence our well-being.

  3. While I appreciate the holistic approach, isn’t it too simplistic to attribute emotions solely to chakra imbalances? There are many factors at play in mental health.

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