How to Trust Your Intuition

People often don’t understand that they have intuition for a reason and instead of trying to embrace it or see it grow, they choose to ignore their intuition and to live life without the mysterious of their gifting. Some people that are psychic know that there are negative things attached to being a psychic and this causes some of them to let their fear get into the way.

If you are new to being a psychic, you might wonder if your intuition is true and if you aren’t sure, you might be one that ignores it.

Knowing Your Psychic Gifting

Do you have feelings that something might happen to you? If you have situations where you know something, but you don’t have a real reason, you need to learn to trust these feelings and allow yourself to grow.

People that have this gift might see it as scary at first but when they learn to know their own senses, they can share their intuition with others. This can help them to be able to know when they are feeling or sensing something.

Some people will have their intuition that will keep growing and they will have their third eye opened. They will know deep down that there is something different about them and that they need to work to build their confidence and to be more open with themselves.

When you have this gift and you communicate with your spirit guides, you can open up your conscious mind and see that your life can benefit you in many ways.

People sometimes get frustrated because they don’t see their gift grow at first and they feel that no matter what they are doing, they don’t ever feel change. Other people feel that they have no power or self-worth and so they miss out on their gift and what their gift can offer.

Opened Gift

Most people have intuition, and they are able to use it to make decisions. When you can trust your intuition and see your gift, you can let your third eye open, and this can help to open up your giftings from all aspects.

Look at the signs around you and as your gift becomes louder, you will be able to listen to it and strengthen yourself to be able to hear things in your life.

The more intuitive that you become, the more you will see that your gift will get louder. You will have joy in these experiences and once you listen more, you will see that you have confirmation for what you are hearing.

It can be hard to reach the goals that you have unless you push through your fear but do not let obstacles get in your way.  You can be in control of your own life and your psychic abilities can help you to create who you are and to keep you safe as long as you let your conscious guide you.

Learning Your Gift

If you want to develop your gifting, you need to take time to meditate each day. Do things such as yoga and Reiki. Do different activities that give you positive emotions and that help you to move on in your life and to forgive others.

Trust yourself and your mind and body and allow yourself to heal. Trust in things that are coincidences and always have an open heart and an open mind.

Focus on where you are now and connect with those that you love. Allow yourself to have a connection with people that also have gifts and take time to just exist. Be with people that you enjoy being with, eat with them, talk to them, just be there.


The chakra is the energy center in the body. This goes all through the body and has to do with different emotions and different physical things in your body. This is called a wheel in Sanskrit and there are seven main chakras in the body.

The chakras all work in a system and when they are unblocked and strong, your body and your mind will be balanced. As the energy moves through your chakras, you will be able to be open and happy but when this is blocked, your chakra system will not work properly, and you will feel sick or emotional.

Your energy will move up and down and you need to make sure this energy is clear. Realign your chakras if you feel sick or if you feel out of balance.

People see the chakras differently and some people look at the chakra system different than others. The chakra system is like your bodies needs but it is the needs inside. We all have to eat, drink and be healthy and the same is for your chakra as well.

Root Chakra

This is the first chakra, and it is associated with the color red. This is the chakra that has to do with your safety such as your shelter and your feeling of belonging to people or places.

If you want to balance this chakra, you need to connect with the earth. You need to let go of things form your past that have hurt you and make sure you are grounded and that you feel good. This can help you to have energy and to stay positive in your life.

2nd Chakra

The second chakra is represented by the color orange and it is the pleasure chakra. This is where your relationships will grow and where you will be able to keep your bodies strong. This is unbalanced when there is gossiping or addictions.

If you want to balance this chakra, you have to make sure that you are creating balance. It means that you will feel good in your body and mind when this is balanced, and it will help you to find good relationships.

Figure out what you are holding back in your life and focus on your chakras and keeping them balanced. When you are creative, this will open up the second chakra and give you balance and energy.

3rd Chakra

The third chakra is found in the stomach and is represented by the color yellow. This is where you find your self-worth and where you deal with your ego.  You have self-control with this chakra, and it helps you to be balanced.

This chakra needs to be balanced to keep your thoughts and your feelings in check. You will have boundaries that are healthy, and you will be able to focus on your inner strength and your life. Meditation can help you to feel better and to show you the power that you have.

The third chakra will burn energy to your heart, and you need to eat food that is healthy for the gut. You have to have boundaries to make sure that you know your worth and this will help you to get rid of old energy that you no longer need.

Boundaries are important. Imagine that your upper chakras are connected to the lower chakra and that your heart is the source. When this is working, you will feel free, and you will have true love and joy.

Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, and it is located in the middle of the chest. This is represented by pink or green.

The fourth chakra is where you have unconditional love. This is where you connect with yourself and with others. You have intuition that is connected to your heart and when your heart is open, you will have joy and peace.

To balance your heart chakra, you need to make sure that you are getting rid of energy in a healthy way. You have to forgive others and you need to make sure that you are keeping your heart healthy. You have to learn to forgive other sand yourself and make sure that you are being thankful for the things you have. Let your heart show love and gratitude to others.

Let your relationships thrive and be happy in yourself. You can also use the Ho’o pono pono chant. You will have open intuition when your heart is open and strong.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is located in the throat and is represented by the color blue. This is where you talk and speak and where you have open communication. You use this chakra to tell the truth and when you are lacking truth, you are blocked in your throat chakra.

If you want to balance the throat chakra, you need to use words that are important and sing. Chant with the O or E sound and use rhythmic sounds and humming to release your emotions. You can also write letters or have conversations with people that you love.

Having empathy will really open up your throat chakra.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is found between the eyes or at the forehead. It is associated with the color indigo.

This is the chakra that represents your psychic giftings and can help you if you are a clairvoyant or a psychic.

To balance this chakra, you have to have peace and kindness. You have to be harmonized with the universe.  This is where your creativity lies and when you open up your third eye chakra, you will see that your giftings will open up.

You can balance this by hugging others and by having eye contact with other people. Even when it is hard to talk to people, you can use this chakra to help you to open up.

Balance this by meditating and by opening up your mind. Let yourself have quiet time and pay attention to the color flow.

Always find a quiet place in your home to meditate and make sure that you are in a place without distractions. You can be quiet for a few minutes each day to meditate, and you can talk about how you love who you are.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of your head and it is represented by the color purple, clear or white. This is the chakra that helps you to reach your higher self.

This is where your energy from the universe comes from and it helps you to have energy and to be strong in who you are. Once you begin understanding who you are and you learn to make a connection with yourself, you will see that you have a balanced crown chakra.

If you need to balance your chakra, you can take time to meditate and have this quiet time. This can help you to visualize things and give you the opportunity to be positive in your life. This can help you to feel unified.

Sixth and Seventh Chakra

The crown chakra and the third eye chakra are working together and sometimes it is hard to know the difference between the two. The sixth sense is to know what is going to happen and the seven is knowing where the feeling comes from.

When you are aware of the sixth sense then you can open up your other senses. You can do this by journaling and by taking time to understand your giftings. Meditate and write down about your feelings and your dreams and what you want in your life.

Psychic Reading

People that are psychic can read into the past or the future, but they can also concentrate on the present. They can use their gifts to help to respond to emotions and help people to know who they are and where they have been.

What is Destiny?

Destiny is something that can help you to experience life. Your aura is part of your destiny and this means that when your aura is strong, you will be more creative, and you will see that you have a purpose in your life.

Your soul is always making something new, and some believe that this is fate. Fate is not controlled but is a part of free will. Your hope in life is to learn to open up your gifts and this can happen if you learn to trust yourself.

What is an Aura

The aura is the energy field around your body. This is where your physical body is protected. Your aura will help you to stay safe from negativity around you. The aura will change when it has negativity stuck to it and it is important to cleanse your aura to make sure it is strong.

The aura will be about five feet around a person and when you feel strong and healthy, you will have an aura that is strong.

Everyone has their own aura, and they are not the same for everyone. The aura is for everyone that lives, and each person has one to keep them protected.

What Is Your Purpose?

Your purpose is to change and to help others. To find peace in your life and to feel loved. When you have a positive aura, you will see that your life can be full of happiness.

Some people will see that their energies are not positive, and they will feel that they cannot move forward in life. They can become better and have stronger energies if they get their aura cleansed and they work hard to change their mindset.

Love others and make sure that you don’t get stuck. Keep your relationships strong and healthy and always be thankful for what you have.

What is a Medium?

A medium is a psychic that is able to speak to the dead. They are able to communicate with the spirit world. They tap into the energy of other dimensions and they are able to communicate with them through visions or through other ways.

The aura is part of their visual story and the voices will connect with the medium. They have energies that are from a different realm and this has to do with the emotions and the perspective that someone else has.

The spirits know what they have done in their past life and they are able to see things. They think of the things that they have done, and they have opportunities to have a better life in the future.

A medium can talk to the dead that have passed away and sometimes they are able to communicate with people that have lost someone that they love. This has to be what the spirit wants to do, and they will not come if they don’t want to.

A spirit that will not communicate with you in a reading probably has other work that they are doing. Since they have no limit to their bodies, they often have other things to do.

When a person passes on to the next life, they are no longer a body but just a spirit. They let go of any anger or energy that is not positive.

If you think something is going to happen in a reading and it doesn’t, souls that pass away will often not show up. If someone that had a bad relationship with someone comes for a reading and the spirit shows up, chances are that the spirit is there to apologize and to make things right. This sets them free.


Your intuition is never wrong and if you are connected with yourself, you will be able to use your intuition to help you and you will move forward in your life.

You have to believe that good things will happen to you but also that bad things will happen because of karma.

If you are out of a relationship that was bad, chances are that you had disappointments, but you will still exchange energies. You will see that you need to balance your chakra sand you need to make sure that you are learning your lessons and moving forward in your life.

There are forces that are there to help guide you down the right path and help you to reach your higher place. If you ignore this, you will see that you end up in a lot of trouble. The intuition is there to help you to learn your lesson, to make good choices and to move forward in your life.

Seeing into the Future

Some psychics can see into the future, but many cannot. If you want to know what is going to happen in your life, learn to live by the best choices that you can make and do the right things in your life.

If you are a psychic and you see something bad in the future that is going to happen, try to hope for the best outcome. You can change things by sending out energy of love and peace.

Everyone is connected to energy and they can breathe or create the energy through their mindset. If you want to send out positive light to someone, you can do this by being aware of what you are thinking and who you are being.

Be positive and learn to help those that need you. Center your mind on light and not darkness and you will send support to others.


Death is something that comes for everyone and people want to live on the earth as long as they can. When they move on to the next life, they are able to move forward to reach their higher self.

Cheating and a Reading

If someone is cheating in a relationship, some psychics will tell the person at the reading, but others will not because they don’t want to judge others. A psychic is not allowed to judge and sometimes this is part of judgment.

When a woman comes into a reading and the psychic finds that she is infertile, they will most likely not tell them that. This is something that should be done by a professional and it would be better for the psychic to tell them to go to the doctor for treatment and for the outcome.

Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is often looked at as a way to prove that psychic gifts are real. Some can prove their reading based on science. When a person comes in for a reading, they want to know something about their life, the information comes from energy and so do physics.

Good Intuition

People can learn to have good intuition by trusting their gut and listening to what their guides are telling them. If they have signs and they are able to know them, they can learn to believe in themselves more and be able to see who they are.

If you find yourself somewhere that you can learn more things, like a library or a bookstore, take the time to read and find out all that you can find out. Use your signs to guide you.

Your journey is important and comes in different shapes and sizes. You might get the intuition that you need in all of your questions and if you don’t, take time to communicate with your guides and see what they have to tell you.

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